One of our primary products were the benchmarks/signs to mark piping, cables, water supply and sewer manholes, gas valves, etc.

 In 2012 we introduced the new technology of underground communications benchmarks production. These products now are made from double-layer plastic, which is then machined on a CNC-run robotised machine to obtain the required benchmark image. This technology provides wide opportunities for manufacturing other types of products as well.

 In 2012 we also switched to the new technology of mounting poles manufacturing. Now the Italian manufacturer made galvanized steel pipe is bent to get a U-form pole. Then other necessary elements are dot welded on it. Weld spots are sprayed with zinc melt. The new type mounting poles are resistant to corrosion and UV radiation.

 Complete sets of underground communications benchmarking are the excellent solution for construction and renovation companies and other users of underground communications.